If the matter is simple I will endeavour to charge a fixed fee to include disbursements such as legalisation fees, postage, consular agent fees, courier fees, travelling expenses, translating costs and so on. VAT is NOT payable on my fees.
For more complicated or time-consuming matters the fee will be based on my hourly rate of £220 subject to a minimum fee of £150, plus disbursements. The fee charged may include time spent on preliminary advice, drafting and preparation time, making and receiving telephone calls, correspondence written and received in all formats, arranging legalisation and record keeping.
Some documents require legalisation before they will be accepted for use in the receiving jurisdiction by obtaining an apostille through the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office and, for some countries, additional legalisation is required through the relevant embassy or consulate.
Payment can be made by cash or cheque, made payable to William Joseph Dryden Notary Public, or by bank transfer. Payment of my fee and disbursements is due when the document has been prepared which I may retain pending payment in full.
Occasionally unforeseen or unusual issues arise during the course of the matter which may result in a revision of my fee estimate. Examples of this could include where additional documents are required to be notarised, additional translations or legalisations are needed to meet the requirements of the receiving jurisdiction, third party fees are adjusted to reflect external factors such as fuel price changes and so on. I will notify you of any changes in the fee estimate as soon as possible.
For the purpose of notarial services, the standard Terms and Conditions and Privacy Notice of PGS Law LLP do not apply, instead they are replaced by the following Notary Public Terms and Conditions and Notary Public Data Protection and Privacy Notice.
PGS Law is the trading name of PGS Law LLP a limited partnership registered in England & Wales under no OC372923. Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.
The notarial practice of William Joseph Dryden is regulated through the Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
For the purpose of notarial services, the standard Terms and Conditions and Privacy Notice of PGS Law LLP do not apply, instead they are replaced by the following Notary Public Terms and Conditions and Notary Public Data Protection and Privacy Notice.