Notaries are Public Certifying Officers who deal principally with the certification and authentication of documents for use abroad but will also deal with the swearing of oaths and complex procedures that need to be observed if Bills of Exchange are dishonoured.
As a Notary Public, I am a member of oldest branch of the legal profession in England and Wales.
To become a Notary Public, I first had to qualify as a solicitor and then undertake a further two years of specialist notarial study at University College London.
There are only about 770 notaries in England and Wales compared to over 140,000 solicitors on the Roll.
Notaries have been appointed by the Court of Faculties of the Archbishop of Canterbury since 1503 and are subject to regulation by the Master of the Faculties.
For the purpose of notarial services, the standard Terms and Conditions and Privacy Notice of PGS Law LLP do not apply, instead they are replaced by the following Notary Public Terms and Conditions and Notary Public Data Protection and Privacy Notice.
PGS Law is the trading name of PGS Law LLP a limited partnership registered in England & Wales under no OC372923. Authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority.
The notarial practice of William Joseph Dryden is regulated through the Faculty Office of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
For the purpose of notarial services, the standard Terms and Conditions and Privacy Notice of PGS Law LLP do not apply, instead they are replaced by the following Notary Public Terms and Conditions and Notary Public Data Protection and Privacy Notice.